Calling all Charities and Nonprofits: Here is Your Headquarters for Consignment Packages and Fundraising Planning!
man sitting on top of mountain, Live Auction Fundraising

How It Works


  • Step 1
    Create a Free Account

    Your account will retain your travel experiences to reference back to and to share with others involved in organizing your event

  • Step 2
    Make your Selections

    Here is the fun part, choose the travel experience that will thrill your supporters and assist them in supporting your cause! Click the “ADD” button to move that trip or experience into your Event Portfolio.

  • Step 3
    Review your Selections

    The Event Portfolio is a great feature that gives you insights as to where your fundraising will come from at your event. You can make adjustments to your selections and include others for input or advice before you finalize your reservations.

  • Step 4
    It’s Time to Let Everyone Know!

    We will reserve your selections and send you the Marketing Collateral for advance advertising and the night of presentations. We also provide the specifications sheet for you and your Auctioneer if you are using one.

  • Step 5
    It’s Time - Your Event is Here!

    Everything is planned and now it’s time to enjoy the evening and appreciate those who have shown up to support your cause. You are at no risk, as you only pay for the items sold and with the tools from Mission First, you have mapped out where your fundraising will likely be coming from at this event.

  • Step 6
    When Your Event is Over

    Congratulations on your successful event! Next steps are to go back to your Event Portfolio and enter in your final numbers and your auction winners. There is a section to comment on what went really well and what you would like to change for the next event. Then you are able to download the final Event Summary Report for your records.

    We will generate the final invoice and take care of connecting your winners with their trips and experiences.