Calling all Charities and Nonprofits, Here is your Headquarters for Consignment Packages and Fundraising Planning!

Trip Details

  • Option 1: Punta Cana for 4 guests, 5 nights stay in a 2 bedrooms and 2 baths luxury condo. Private access to gated golf resort with 2 rounds of golf for all guests. Golf cart included for your entire stay.
  • Option 2: Big Island with 7 nights for 6 guests in Waikoloa staying in a elegant penthouse condo. One round of golf for all 6 guests is included.
  • Option 3: Hilton Head for 7 nights stay for 6 guests in a luxury villa on the edge of the green. 1 round of golf for 3 guests.
Info Sheet for Directors / Auctioneers

Trip Code: SP104

Group Golf – Hawaii or Hilton Head

  • 4-6 Guest
  • 5-7 Nights
  • Unlimited Can Be Sold at a Single Event

Relax in upscale private residences in your choice of 3 amazing locations. Each has it’s own special flavor and perks, and all have amazing golfing, so you can’t go wrong. When not enjoying the course, there are amazing foods, great resort experiences in areas of envy. Think of the fun that you will have with your group in either Punta Cana, the Big Island in Hawaii or on the famous Hilton Head Island of South Carolina.



  • Cost to Non Profit$6,495.00
  • Strike Price What is this?$10,000.00
    Strike price means the expected price to be reached in order to sell the item.
  • Return for your Non-Profit$3,505.00
What is this?

Live Auction – Part of the evening where supporters will be encouraged to use their paddles to actively bid on the auction items at the same time.

Silent Auction – Items that are displayed on the Silent auction tables and on the electronic platforms for active bidding through out the time allowed for the silent auction. A “buy now” price may also be included in this auction.

Golden Ticket – Set number of tickets sold at a set price with the drawing awarding 1 winner a grand prize.

Raffle – Set price however there is not a set number of tickets to be sold with 1 winner to be chosen for the prize.

Other – Will be other revenue enhancers.

Terms of Use and Blackout Dates

Winners have 12 months from the purchase date to confirm their reservation and 24 months from the purchase date to travel. Reservations must be booked 60 days before travel. Airfare, meals, and activities are not included unless specifically listed under Trip Details. Hawaii: Subject to availability and travel between May and December, except for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s weeks. | South Carolina: Subject to availability and travel year-round except for April 8th – 16th, May 21st – August 19th, and Christmas and New Year weeks. | Punta Cana: Subject to availability and travel year-round except for Christmas and New Year’s weeks.