Calling all Charities and Nonprofits, Here is your Headquarters for Consignment Packages and Fundraising Planning!

Trip Code: DT159d

Scottsdаlе for 3 Nіghts

  • Cost to Non Profit$0.00
  • Strike Price What is this?$1000.00
    Strike price means the expected price to be reached in order to sell the item.
  • Return for your Non-Profit$0.00
What is this?
Live Auction – Part of the evening where supporters will be encouraged to use their paddles to actively bid on the auction items at the same time.
Silent Auction – Items that are displayed on the Silent auction tables and on the electronic platforms for active bidding through out the time allowed for the silent auction. A “buy now” price may also be included in this auction.
Vacation Station – Trips that are typically set with a buy it now price in a section of the Silent Auction. Not to conflict with travel experiences in the Live Auction, we are looking for not the highest bidder, rather a multiple purchases of the same trip.
Raffle / Golden Ticket – Set price however there is not a set number of tickets to be sold with 1 winner to be chosen for the prize.
Other – Will be other revenue enhancers.